Thread: Brakes
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Old 08-19-2002, 11:41 PM   #2
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Posts: 119
I have 36" tires. Don't know if you consider that big, or not. IMO, its sorta 'middle sized'

Anyway, I currently am running the stock '72 half ton disc/drum setup. Ive never really had any problems with it, except for a master cylinder failure, that resulted in a little trip over the curb, and through the ditch!

I can't blame that on any shortcoming, in the brakes performancewise, as it was more of a failure. To be expected on a 100K mile truck, I 'spose.

I am planning a conversion to 3/4 ton running gear, with a home brewed 4 wheel disc setup, likley using front calipers, as per the common procedure.

Id be interested to hear more details, on what pieces you are currently running...

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