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Old 08-24-2005, 12:50 AM   #14
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That was the second time i was at Sturgis bike week!!!frist time was the 50th one and this time the 65th.The only thing bad that happened was:
1) rain all the days but two
2) South Dakota was colder then here!!!(high 30s for the most of the time we were there)
3)Blew the side wall of a tire out in Winnipeg!!
4) having the "the mother-inlaw in the truck for 2 weeks(in the cab because the wife would not let me make her ride in the bed)

now the Good
1) got to meet some great pepole from the board!! (Todd,Al,Shawn,(<South Dakota members lets not forget there wives as well! Great people!!) Steve( winnipeg member)Your all wecome to come up for a BBQ here!!
2) the black hills
3) time spent with me wife and kids J/k
4)threating to make the mom-law ride in the bed of the truck!!
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