burb- that was one of the issues i thought of with the firewall... i think that shouldn't be such a problem... i could most likely take the back of the 'back' cab and put it on the front of it to patch up the firewall a bit... lengthing the frame, etc isn't a big worry for me... just a little time and tlc is all(but then again this is hopefully going to be a show truck... so does it matter if the box is useful or not?). Ive worked in welding shops my whole life building prototypes of just about everythign... pretty sure i could come up with something!
tn- I had planned on turning the back seat forwards (as in forwards in the truck)
67- wouldn't putting a cab on the correct way kind of ruin the idea of having the cabs back to back? ive seen plenty of reg-cabs added to make crews, but never back to back... which makes this project more fun!!!
the more we talk about this, were going to have to come up with code names for everything... since were dealing with 2 cabs reversed on each other and what not!!!
Last edited by guttdogg; 08-24-2005 at 01:38 PM.