Thread: decoding VIN...
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Old 08-26-2005, 03:45 PM   #11
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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OK, I got my 1970 Chevrolet 10 - 30 series owner's manual here now....
GM screwed up. I see a few mistakes on that. You can look at any Chevy truck VIN and it'll decode like on the vin decoder that i linked above...and model numbers will decode as the link above says....which the model number can only be found on the SPID label in the glove box.
As for what if they made more than 999999 units... it is pretty much not gonna happen, maybe due to the unions, maybe just due to not enough hrs in a work year.... but that would be pretty much not going to happen. You have to remember, the production number starts at 100001 on each plant assembly line..... so in model year 1970, there are 10 trucks (at least at one time there was 10) that was #100001 since there were 10 plants making them (including the canadian plant)
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