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Old 08-27-2005, 07:10 PM   #15
69 Short Fleet
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Join Date: Nov 2002
Location: Kelowna B.C. Canada
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I'm surprised no one has touched on the threads themself. Rolled threads give the bolt itself a higher degree of integrity and are less prone to fail (this of course is usless IF the bolt is not the propper grade for its application). This is why F-1 & Indy (not sure on NASCAR as I don't follow it) uses them on alot of there applications however they are made from high grade titianium. Installation proceedures & torque are compulsory. High end exotic materials & design were first used (and still are) in the aviation & military & filtered down (for lack of a better word) to the racing industry. The old school (& I mean the REAL OLD SCHOOL not the 1986 Honda fart can type "R" tuners) NHRA crew chiefs relied heavily on military & air force specs as this was an invalueable tool for them to set standards & learn. Bolts / nuts hardware are actually very sophisticated and a lot of engineering goes into them. I have never seen any markings on the seatbelt bolts (for our trucks) so I don't have a clue what the actual grade of them is (good question). I personally have a higher concern with the integrity of the buckles/latches or the return mechanism failing on SOME of the original seatbelts from repeated use, as I have actually never took one apart to look at it. As mentioned though I think a part of the floorboard would come with it bolt upon heavy impact on some of these old girls (lol). Doug
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