just closed the deal on another truck today , 6 weeks ago i coulnt make my mind up on what i wanted a mint 67-68 or a 71 -72. well first i baught the 71 in my aveator, no regrets other than its so damb nice i dont wanna drive it.
after going to cruise night last week i told the wife i was gonna buy her one that we wouldnt have to worry about getting scratched.
this truck is one that i turned down for the 71 .
after not seeing it sell on ebay 2or3 times i called the guy up to see if he was ready to do any better on the price and offered him 1,500, he said hes gotta get atleast 2,000
i told him id call him back if my money situation changed, he said ok. 2 miniutes later he called back and asked when can i pick it up
done deal , she comes home thursday morning
truck runs and drives nice, very straight original under the houd and the interior. 6 cyl 3 on the tree(ive always wanted one) just like dads only in better shape

and original wood floor.






