If it is a stock intake behind the carb is a tap on the intake where the vacuum canister runs. There is normally a "T" for it there. If you have power brakes the back hole is used. The trans is looking for full vacuum, So front-back bottom hole or the driverside front pipe.
Sorry almost forgot to say WELCOME to the board.
72 longhorn c30 502BB/th400/fact air/4.11rear/ custom camper
72 bug(the better half's) under reconstruction
2009 HHR aqua blue
71 GMC k20 350/sm465
2009 Chevy hd3500 6.6 Victory Red crew cab dually
Dave & Jeanne
Last edited by dwaite72lnghrn; 08-30-2005 at 08:13 PM.
Reason: OOPS