I painted mine (Blue/white/blue/white) about 5 years ago. I signed up for an evening autobody class at the local Vo-Tech. It forced me to devote the time to the truck and the real bonus was i used their paint booth. I used the cross draft booth(their down draft booth was busy with a day class project) and was very happy with the results. I used Imron, covered up myself completely, and used a gas mask. A full fresh air resperator is recommended for use with Imron, but I didn't have access to one, so I painted from the udwind side, making sure I couldn't smell the paint. And yes you can smell Imron thru a paint gas mask. I had a few runs that you really don't notice. I used a Low pressure high volume paint gun (Habor Frieght special) and the like I said above it turned out great.