I pulled the diff cover off of my '71 shortbox and found that one of the spider gears had three chipped teeth on it. I had someone else look at it and I'm being told that the whole thing is shot
The ring and pinion are both worn and there is over 1/8 inch of play at my axles/bearings. He is also telling me that it was originally a posi but that it's so hammered that the posi is no longer working. I got an estimate of $1300 to rebuild everything and put in an Eaton posi unit. That's a bit much for me right now so I'm hoping to find a used local one.
I am looking for a '71-'72 rear end (complete), preferably a 12-bolt and preferably local to Portland Oregon. Oh, I would like a posi if I can get one. Let's see what's out there.....