Thread: Another new Guy
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Old 08-21-2002, 05:47 PM   #10
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Location: Elk Grove, CA
Posts: 20
I may buff out a section just to see what it can look like, but I am planning on going for a new paint job as part of the restoration. I'm really looking forward to working on this since my dad has had that truck since I was 2 and there are a lot of good childhood memories in it. He was going to sell it thinking I wouldn't want it, but luckily I got to him before he did. I'm thinking my goal is to have about a 95-98% stock looking truck, but with quite a bit of updating on the mechanical side. We'll see how it pans out as the work progresses. I've already got the bed off, the bumper cut off (it had a built-in receiver and was welded to the frame, and the muffler is gone. Next thing I have to do is figure out what I am doing with the rear axle and start working on that.

Thanks for the welcome guys!

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