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Old 09-04-2005, 04:39 PM   #13
hometown heroes!
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Ewa Beach, HI
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I believe that, after seeing the little Lucas try-me thingie in the stores. If you turn the handle fast enough, it bubbles up pretty bad. I wasn't sure wether that was just because of the gears, or what. So I guess the general public here says to go with just an oil additive, unless you use the cleaner, drop the pan & clean it out afterwords. The motor flush should break everything down enough that it shouldn't get caught up in the screen.
Since I've got a soft knock-ping after the motor warms up anyways, I'll probably just flush it out, clean out the pan and then add this J-B if I can find it. If not, I'll check the others. Thanks for all the advice!
2009 Silverado 2wd, 121k as of 04APR13. I love my truck 29 days out of the month. The payment is due on the 30th...

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