If you cant get to the striker plate on the back side to keep it from falling off. Heres what you do. Loosen the striker, squirt black RTV in bewteen the piller and the striker plate. Then titen it back up till it drys, the RTV will holed the plate and you can remove the striker and repair or replace it. Matt
That's U RECK ME FIX it 2
74 Chevy Short Bed
355ci Sportsman II 64cc Angle Plug
Crower Custom Grind .462in .486ex
Dyno Test 422hp @ 5600
And it's got a Holley
3.73 Gears
12 Bolt 3.73 w/Posi
700R4 Going In
I'm a Body Man So There!
That's why it's not painted
Last edited by ureckme; 09-04-2005 at 07:50 PM.
Reason: Drive'n the wrong way, Fast