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Old 09-06-2005, 03:14 AM   #1
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1986 non-A/C black gauge bezel

I am fairly certain this is from an '86 C10 (had too many trucks, can't remember). All of the screw holes are in good condition, no cracks. There is some sort of stains on the lower left part of it, I have no idea what from. Maybe some plastic polish stuff would help? One of the little tabs that hold the "under column" trim piece is broken, but the screws will hold it in place just fine and it's not visible when assembled. It has been in storage for a while and will need cleaned up.

I have no idea what it is worth, and I couldn't find one for sale anywhere else to compare to. Any reasonable offer accepted.
Edit: The silver paint around the edges is faded and worn in several spots.

Last edited by 1972; 09-06-2005 at 03:16 AM.
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