Originally Posted by SOON2BLAZE
Hi, nice tpi set up. I'm doing the same and do I have a ton of ? Did you use the stock harness for the engine? Look like you went from MAF to speed density. Did you leave the stock sending unit in the tank? How much was the fuel pump set up? What trans are you using? I wanted to make things easy for myself , but the wife wasn't down with a 5K Ram Jet. So, I 'm going to start having my paychecks forwarded to Street and Performance. Thanks, Chris
So...the TPI unit I used was a MAF setup from an '87 Trans Am with a 305. I decided to stick with the MAF since it is more accepting of engine mods than the SD. I picked up a set of used LT1 24 lb injectors for $75 to replace the original 19 lbers. I used the stock harness from the TA which required A LOT of cleaning and a few repairs but with a bunch of wiring diagrams and books I was able to figure it all out. I saved myself a few hundred $ doing it that way. The nice thing is there really is only one way to connect everything since all the connectors are different.
I was able to fit the Tanks Inc. fuel pump in and keep the stock sending unit in the original Blazer tank. You've got to be careful because right above the fuel pump is a cross member for the bed so there is only about 1/2" of clearance there. I got lucky! It was no big deal to extend the pump to reach the bottom of the tank...I just had to splice in about a 2" piece of metal. But, if you are going to use that pump I would get the folks at Tanks to make you one that goes about 3" deeper that you can cut back to make it fit perfectly.
I've got the stock 4 spd trans and was able to get a speed sensor from Stealth Conversions that fit in between the trans and the speedo cable.
Basically I decided not to take the easy way out and figured out everything for myself. It was a learning experience to say the least but now that I know how to do, the next one will be a piece of cake (if I ever convince the wife to let me get another project!). RyanB over on the CK5 site did a nice write up that helped a lot.
Good luck.