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Old 08-22-2002, 05:21 PM   #2
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also neighbor over here next door has a 66 chevelle for sale- in crap red primer and unknown amount of bondo- (looks smooth and straight and passable for a beater/daily driver however, especialy for around here, cant say i can recal ever seeing a 66 chevell on the road here ever before, is a rarity..) not wrecked or anything liek that, no crinkled fender or quarter or anything, probably is a good starter project car for the right person who can manage to start and finish one currently with how things are right now,

355 and powerglide and runs strong and fun!!!
has that cool timing gear whine noise
and has some alum turbines mounted on it,
and a sunroof cut into it and various interior pieces missing, but is a daily driver even so,
he probably wants around $2k for it as it is, he drives it around, til it sells, he only got it like a month ago, if even that lol.,
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