Originally Posted by 86SILVERADO
Fortunately I don't have that problem because the local napa is three minutes down the road from me and I really don't care if they charge more than autozone or whatever because at least I never have to deal with people who ask me for make, model, year, engine size, carb, tranny, and 2 or 4wd, when I ask them for a 3/8 inline fuel filter.
I've bought from autozone and advanced but usually go to an independent store I've went to for the last 25 years. You would think that someone that worked in an "auto parts store" would have a "basic" knowledge of what a car is and where most stuff is located...BUT I went to an advanced one time and the "guy" behind the counter couldn't find the chassis part I needed and proceeded to tell me they didn't have it (he was looking in the wrong location). Then I told him to look in the suspension list and would you know it ...there it was and they did have it!
If it don't fit, force it,...If it still don't fit , modify it 'till it does fit !!!