I don't use E85. Everything in Minnesota that DOES NOT say non-oxygenated has ethanol as a additive.
I put it in my daily driver ALL THE TIME. I know for a FACT that it is hard on my outboard.
The stuff seperates in as little as two weeks but for an additive it is WAY better for the envrionment than MTBE (Methyl Tertiary Butyl Ether). MTBE pollutes the groundwater real bad and is getting banned everywhere it isn't already banned.
Yes our farmers produce corn which makes ethanol. I'd like to see a raise of hands of all the farmers out there who have had their price of corn raise since the federal government started mandating clean air fuel additives.
Yup. No hands. The only people making money off of ethanol production is the corporations that we subsidized to build the ethanol plants. It is great for the community that gets the plant but it sucks for everybody downwind from the plant. A couple of weeks ago I was driving through Morris, MN. My wife is from out that way and asked what the new factory on the horizon was. As soon as we got downwind it was clear...
The last time I looked into it if we bought corn gas for what it cost to produce it it would be $1.7x/gallon verses $0.95/gallon for real gas. Holy welfare batman.
'70 cab, '71 chassis, 383, TH350, NP205.
'71 Malibu convertible
'72 Malibu hard top
Center City, MN