Thread: Your thoughts
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Old 09-12-2005, 11:26 PM   #3
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I should have clarified. The body has no major dents and will require no bondo.

My plan was to sand the body completely to remove all surface rust (leaving all dents, about 15 small ones) and puting primer on to protect the sanded areas.

The goal here was to give me something to do with the truck while I figured out if I wanted to keep it. I really want to keep the truck but don't know if I will. I would be getting rid of the rust and have it primered for me or whomever if I decided to sell it.

Everyone tells me that future buyers would want to see the factory metal and the primer would hurt resell. I can't believe this is true if I took oodles of high res pics of the whole truck.

Again, i am not trying to cover anything up.

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