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Old 09-14-2005, 03:54 AM   #11
hometown heroes!
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Ewa Beach, HI
Posts: 487
wow...nice response! You guys should have been in charge of the Katrina relief efforts!

I'm not sure yet where I'm going to get this stuff from. Money will play the part. Also, need to wait and see if this 69 stepside donor pans out this week.

bisquik65: Thanks for the frame offer, but too far away. Your $100 offer is sounding good though. Just so I are offering the Ubolts and all frame brackets? That includes the center(side to side) rails, front 4 bed bolt brackets, spring mounts, etc., right?
oteixeira: free.99 sounds great, but still too far away. I'll need to find something closer.
Blue_71: Your $175 rolling swb sounds like the best deal, but waaay too far away. I don't even WANT to know what shipping would cost me
GloryHound: If I need them, would you be willing to sell SOME of those new parts? I don't need half of them,, and with my budget, I can only afford to buy what I need.
2009 Silverado 2wd, 121k as of 04APR13. I love my truck 29 days out of the month. The payment is due on the 30th...

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