Originally Posted by Custom_C5
I'll probably get flamed for this, but oh well <flame suit on>
You first ask for an opinion about something you don't know much about, then people here tells you what exactly you have and a fair price that you could possibly get, I see at least two parties interested on the item you have referred and you want to ebay it??  You rather give another person in another site (who did not help you at all id and price what you have) a chance to get this item so they can probably make more money on it instead of giving the great people on this board first shot at it? call me stupid but isn't the title of this thread "Guaging Interest blazer bed side" I thought you wanted to sell here? Why gauge interest on the board and then say you're ebaying it? nothing wrong with ebay at all I shop there too.
Is just like what my dog did last week to me. took him to vet for vaccines and came home and fed him and then he bites my hand? that ungrateful mutt (gave the dog away lol  )
Disclaimer: this statement is only my opinion and is given to maybe raise some awereness in the fact that nobody knows what they want and not in direct effect or reference to the original poster in this thread, furthermore, any individuals that I might refer to on my ramblings should not under any circunstance take the previous statement as a personal attack on their person since this is all that is "rambling"
General surgeon warning:
Your mileage may vary according to your driving habits and repeated use of this item may cause to feel incontrollable euphoria, give me more beer, m'kay?
Not going to flame. After asking around locally and on here I was lead to believe that it is worth around 500 and would probably go for more on ebay. It was acutally a board member who said i should put it on ebay. If no one buys there then I have no problem selling it for less on here.
I agree there are great people on the board but i do not often make money to use on my truck. As a matter of fact it has recieved almost no attention in about 6-7 yrs. So it can use all the money i can throw at it.
Sorry if i offended anyone.
Current Rides:
Vintage Evil - 72 Chevy C10 (Always a work in progress)
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EvilK5 - 71 K5 Blazer
Evil Twin - 2006 Suzuki M109R
EvilDmax- 2018 GMC 2500 Denali Duramax