oil in brakes
Originally Posted by Drobny
Well I finaly found a truck thats worth working on, when I popped the lid off the brake booster it was full of oil. Could this hurt any of my brake parts? NO WONDER MY BRAKES DIDN'T WORK.
You said when you popped the lid off your brake booster- Did you mean the master cylinder cause the booster don't have a lid that I know of. I'd purge the MC and the rest of the system and replace with brake fluid and bleed the system and see if you have brakes. If you have ruined any seals then you may have to replace the parts as Cdowns stated. Are you positive it's engine oil because brake fluid gets dark in the MC when it gets old but it still smells like brake fluid. You may just have a bad MC.
metallic green 67 stepside
74 corvette convertible
1965 Harley sportster
1995 Harley wide glide
Growing old is hell, but it beats the alternative.