my stock pump is a Saginaw. It's just a later one with metric fittings. The biggest reason I was trying so hard to find just the reservoir is bacause I have a AGR pump and steering box, which are metric fittings. I wasn't about to just go buy a SAE fittings pump and then have a time trying to fit everything to my metric fittings box. Another thing different is the way the pulley goes on. The older pumps use a keyway and the later ones like mine just press on. As for the one in the 79 being the same, might be. I can't tell. There is so much crap in the way I can't see what it looks like.
I do know AGR lists different numbers for pumps, which BTW, don't come with reservoirs. 68-74 is 806324. 75-79 is 805324. 80-87 is 807324. So by this it would seem it went to metric in 80. If this is when the reservoir changed too, I don't know.
All I have to say is, why in the hell does everything I decide to do have to be so complicated? For once I would really like to just buy something and it works. Is this too much to ask?