Wow, this is really a good news/bad news affair then. I have one of the best rear axles made, but replacement parts are almost non existent for it. I started a brake job on mine last night and had to stop when I realized that I didn't have the tools for the job ($10,000 worth of tools and an 1800sq/ft shop and I don't have the tools, damn). I also found out something ominous, the right rear drum is leaking something, it doesn't look like gear oil so I am assuming that the reason why I can't stop anymore is that my brake cylinder gave up the ghost. Now I am worried that I can fix it.
While we are on the subject: What can I do about the open diff in this thing? I have seen pictures on the board where people are installing what looks like a mini spool. Called what? Get it where? Locker? Posi?