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Old 09-22-2005, 03:17 PM   #4
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Location: Portales, NM
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Originally Posted by Frizzle Fry
All I can see are some sick wheels... I'd like to know too
Thanks Friz, I like them they sure add alot to the look of the truck, I cant wait to get it lowered.

I contacted a couple of the "Ol' Timers" around here that are in all the classic truck and car clubs and are constant winners in the shows, they pointed me in the right direction as far as the "Best Installer" around here. I called him and have an appointment for next tuesday, one of the question he asked right off was did the guy use a rope? I told him no, he said "Bring it in" so we are putting in a new gasket, (from some company he has dealt with for years) (I will get the name and post it) and he said a little soap and water (NO SILICONE), rope (and like Dvalentine said on absoulutley insure that the gasket is lined up dead center on the glass before starting the install, glass goes in top first. I will fill you all in more tuesday evening when I get back from this guys shop.
62' 3.5/5 drop SWB Fleet, PS, PB-Dsk/Drm,350/700R4
08' Chevrolet Silverado CrewCab
05'Toyota Tacoma Prerunner SR5

Last edited by 62ChevyStep; 09-22-2005 at 03:19 PM.
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