Hi Josh,
You probably don't need to hear this from a newbie, but I think this site is fantastic! You and all the mods do a great job, and I think MOST members would agree. You'll never be able to please everyone, but if you continue to be fair, you'll please most.
Anytime a decision goes against someone they'll be unhappy, and some others will support their position. Nothing can be done to change that.
But I want to personally thank you for this site. I have gleaned more knowledge in the past 2 months of membership than I can believe. It is amazing to me that so few members are actually cotributing with at least the min $25. That was one of the first things I did after finding the board.
I sympathise with you about the lack of appreciation and the time you spend working on the site. We all have busy, hectic lives, and you sound like you have more than a full plate. Your work IS app. Thanks,
Al Hoekenga
1971 GMC 2500 4x4
1972 GMC Sierra Grande 1/2 t 4x4-#1 son's truck. Recently completed resto.
4 YO daughter," Daddy, I like your truck better than Mom's." (2000 F350-ranch truck) Smart kid!!