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Old 09-26-2005, 09:37 PM   #1
blood type; Retumbo
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it happened again-parts needed

if this is not kosher with this forum let me know.

this morning as most mornings lately i rode the cycle to work. then at 10:00 my wife calls to tell me someone hit Lefty on the street & they were filling out a police report. at least they guy stopped & called the cops. Kudos to him. he hit it in the left rear pushing the bed forward about 1 1/2". it also moved the whole truck forward 47". he was driving a glass company van with the rack on the rear. I hear it totally tweaked his van. so I called the company & talked to the owner. he said he will file a claim with his insurance co. tomarrow. I am thinking that since these guys are stand-up men that maybe I will offer to settle up without getting the insurance involved. all I ask is that they pay to fix the damage done. they are both honest 7 straight forward so I see no reason to make thier rates go up.
what I need to know is how much will a 68-72 long fleet bedside cost. does anyone have one? I am not against possible replacing the whole bed either. steel floor is preferred.
I will take Lefty to the body shop in the morning to see if he damaged the cross-sills & if the frame is OK.
I tried to get some pics but by the time I had a chance tonight it was too dark.
Man rule #77...if you own a 67 stepside with a caddy 472 you will never be in danger of loosing you man card
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