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Old 09-26-2005, 11:58 PM   #84
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Location: Gulfport Mississippi
Posts: 364
I think some may be missing the point. Josh and the mods have enough on their hands maintaining the board without having to organize and handle fund raisers.
Who is going to take care of organizing and deciding what trucks go on the calendar?
Who is going to store the printed material?
Who is going to take care of shipping?
Who is going to build the Ebay auctons and process those orders?
Who is going to handle orders not received?

The list goes on and on. Why not just chip in $25 for your year and get it over with. Most us spend more than that a weekend at the parts house. Those who use the board to buy and sell definitely should be chipping in. Go buy a book at the book store with all the info you can gather from this site, how much will that book cost you? Probably more than $25 and not come close to giving you as much info.

This site is the greatest truck site on the net, period. Take a second and think about this, what if the site wasn't available anymore what would you do?

Of course these are only my opinions.

Kudos to Josh for the best truck site ever!

****Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight....I ask that of all my prey****

68' C10 Short Step (rebuilding as we speak)
72' Custom Camper (wrecked, parting out)
79' C10 Fleet (rough, parting out)
97' C1500 Short Step Custom (DD)
97' Kawaski VN800a Customized
99' Z71 Silverado
04' Suzuki Volusia

Last edited by thejoker; 09-27-2005 at 12:00 AM.
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