I am new to this forum. I found it a year ago when I first purchased my truck and then just didn't come back until last week. I have found the information here EXTREMELY valuable; the company intelligent and pleasant; and the site easily navigated and easy to use.
I am a longtime member of a local car club with a nice site so I know that it takes a ton of work to keep things smooth. People have different personalities and the internet is a faceless entity in which we sometimes hide behind a keyboard and throw disrespect at complete strangers that do not deserve any disrespect.
Kudos to anyone and everyone that keeps this forum up and running (and moving smoothly I might add). Remember this is not a thankless job because from the bottom of my heart I THANK YOU. This is your house, and we are guests. If we get the carpet dirty, or drink too much of your beer KICK US OUT.
Thank You