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Old 09-27-2005, 09:22 PM   #121
4 eyed fever
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Eureka, Nevada
Posts: 500
Originally Posted by Liz
its alot less then 5%, last time we figured it , it was less then 1%. BTW I'm all for a bake sale lol...
You gotta be jokin.. Less than 1% !!! Everyone is at different places financially, and I've been where I couldn't afford $25. But <1%. That's FBS.
Did anyone like my idea about fees? :
$0 to look
$10 to post,buy only
$25 to post, sell, have PMs
That way those who TRULY can't afford to contribute would still have access to free info. The membership would almost certainly go down, but if currently <1% contribute, the additional fees generated should more than pay for the site.
*edit* I have ebay expirience and would be willing to donate time in the listing, selling, shipping of items.
And I'd like to buy some cookies Liz !LOL
1971 GMC 2500 4x4
1972 GMC Sierra Grande 1/2 t 4x4-#1 son's truck. Recently completed resto.

4 YO daughter," Daddy, I like your truck better than Mom's." (2000 F350-ranch truck) Smart kid!!

Last edited by al's71gmc; 09-27-2005 at 09:29 PM.
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