Originally Posted by Liz
its alot less then 5%, last time we figured it , it was less then 1%. BTW I'm all for a bake sale  lol...
You gotta be jokin.. Less than 1% !!! Everyone is at different places financially, and I've been where I couldn't afford $25. But <1%. That's FBS.
Did anyone like my idea about fees? :
$0 to look
$10 to post,buy only
$25 to post, sell, have PMs
That way those who TRULY can't afford to contribute would still have access to free info. The membership would almost certainly go down, but if currently <1% contribute, the additional fees generated should more than pay for the site.
*edit* I have ebay expirience and would be willing to donate time in the listing, selling, shipping of items.
And I'd like to buy some cookies Liz !LOL