Personally I don't care how much it would cost, I would pay it and would still be greatful for the wealth of knowledge, comraderey, and all the fun and entertainment that I get from this board. If you break it down to the bare $$$, you spend more money on snacks in the car and pops or water at the store in one month then what the subscription to this AWESOME site costs.
To me this is the next best thing to sliced bread and it would be like losing my left arm if it were to go away

. I am up for any and all fundraising ideas and REALLY appreciated the behind the scenes effort that Josh and the staff put into the irreplacable virtuial librarary and tutorial for the non mechanically inclined, my self included in that group

I just wanted to say that what ever changes finacially or not I am with you Josh on and know that you always have the sites best interest at heart. Thank you again for all you do, and not forget liz, rod, tx firfighter, and I know i'm forgeting some others, but thanks to all just the same
