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Old 09-28-2005, 09:47 PM   #132
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: Laurens, SC
Posts: 45
Josh, my hopes for a speedy recovery for your Mom, and a big THANK YOU to you and the moderators. I do visit the site daily and want you to know that it is priceless! I am fairly new and do not post hardly at all because I am such a poor typist. However it is basicly elementary that respect and disipline are necessary for the site to run efficiently. As some of us have learned that for every action there will be a reaction. A fee for use of this board is not unreasonable OR out of line, as a matter of fact it would probably help weed out users that have less than positive intentions. And then again "ENTREPRENEURSHIP" is the American way, why not let the site help you as it has so many others! I know that all the info I have obtained is worth far more than the optional 25.00 fee, books and manuals have cost me probably 4 times that, plus the added benefit of first hand knowledge of untold secrets, the camaraderie, and access to probably one of the largest parts invetory out there. As for you dealing with the full plate that you have you have my sincerest respect and admiration, I don't think I would have enough hours in my day. THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL THAT YOU DO!!!!!! John
If you don't know where you are going, any road will take you there!
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