Been there done that.. sorry about your bad transaction. I had a similar problem with a seller (60-72chrome) or something like that. I got what was advertised but got the run around about the shipping and then rec. a very poorly packaged part that was scratched. I've been burnt on the last minute deals too.. its almost worth asking questions just to get a responce, that way you know what kind of person your dealing with. For example: If I were buying a wing window from someone that said it was in good shape, I then email them and ask "is there any scratches in the glass?" and they respond back with a one word response "no" and thats it... I stay away because that tells me they dont have 1 f'ing minute to write a better description and say thanks for looking...Just write me back and show me you are willing to work with me. I'm going on and on too!! but man that really burns me!
Currently truckless