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Old 10-03-2005, 09:51 AM   #1
On the road

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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 818
Wanted, speedwarning parts

Like the title says, I need the cable that sets the needle (I am missing the entire thing, cable, nuts, knob etc.) and the buzzer. I think a Camaro cable may work, does anyone know for sure? They are reproducing 2 different camaro cables now days but I don't know which one to try. If anyone has a spare they want to get rid of or a buzzer please let me know. Thanks,

Castro- 72 SWB. Ochre and White. 496/400 turbo, GV OD ,Dakota Digital dash , tilt, Vintage Air, PS, hydro boost, factory buckets, console, QA-1 Coil over suspension, 20/20"Billet Specialties Magnetos

72 SWB. Med blue. 454/400 turbo, tach, tilt, Stock AC, PS,PDB, factory buckets, console, ECE 4/6 drop w/ 2" blocks and C-notch, 20/20"Coys- Crashed and destroyed by drunk driver Sept 2019. New 72 build in the works.

My new build thread "Castro"

My old build thread, the blue truck
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