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Old 10-03-2005, 10:55 AM   #1
Old Skool Club
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Join Date: Jun 2001
Location: Benton, AR "The Heart of Arkansas"
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Cowl Cover for 67-72's

I don't know about the rest of you folks, but I have gotten tired of the rain that leaks into my truck, through the cowl plenum. Some of you have thought that it was a leaking windshield, and this doesn't mean that some don't have a leaking windshield seal, but the years have not been kind to many of our trucks, letting dirt and leaves build up in the area behind the fresh air doors on the kick panels.

Owners of early Mustangs also have a similar problem, and I have seen covers for them that keep out the rain and leaves. The cowl on the early Mustangs, is flat, making the fabrication easy. It is just a piece of plexiglas, or lexan, with some weatherstrip on the perimeter and with a couple of j-bolts to hold the piece on the cowl. The bottom of the j-bolt goes beneath the slots and holds everything in place.

What I want to know is this: Has anyone made a similar item for our trucks? The curvature of the cowl is the issue, and that would be something that had to be addressed. But, once that piece of plastic (lexan/plexiglas) is fabricated and has a weatherstrip attached, there shouldn't be any way for rain or leaves to find their way into the plenum.

Anyone making these?? If not, any market for them? I have a nephew who was in the platics "bidness", as we say down south. I haven't spoken to him about this, but there has to somebody else looking for such an item.

So, whadday'allthink?
Member Nr. 2770

'96 GMC Sportside; 4.3/SLT - Daily driven....constantly needs washed.

'69 C-10 SWB; 350/TH400 - in limbo

The older I get, the better I was.
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