Thread: Full rewire
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Old 08-27-2002, 02:12 PM   #3
'72 Cheyenne Super
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Location: Puyallup, WA USA!!
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Earlier this year I put a Painless Wiring kit in a Blazer. I wouldn't exactly say it is "painless", and I'm pretty good at wiring. This kit, however, had added wiring for power windows, power locks, AC, and some other fluff in the event that one would want to add those items in the future. I hated to tell the guy that he wasted nearly $400 for the kit (and $250 for my time), as his wiring was in very good shape considering how bad the rest of the truck looked. The only bad wiring on the truck was where someone had butchered the taillight wiring trying to install a trailer pigtail. Me personally, if the wiring's not bad to begin with, I'd sooner replace individual wires that are bad rather than doing a complete kit.

One thing I will say, Painless does a very good job of labeling wires for identification, and the instructions are fairly thorough (if not a bit confusing for the average person).
'72 Cheyenne Super 4x4, 468ci, 700R4, Import Stomper.
A couple pics at
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