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Old 10-04-2005, 09:45 PM   #1
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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Join Date: Jan 2001
Location: Hilliard Ohio
Posts: 2,690
Thumbs up late model 4 spoke steering wheel F/S

55 bucks to your door lower 48....a little more if you are further.
this is out of a 92 S-10 Blazer... in pretty good shape. This isn't the leather wrapped one, nor is it the hard plastic one. This one is the normal semi soft foam-ish kind. (no idea what it really is, but it is some what soft)
GMC button included, if you need a chevy one, it should be easy to get some one to trade since the chevy ones are more popular.
Snail mail payment only...check, money order or cash if you are nuts enough to send $55 through the mail.
Please respond here, e-mails will be ignored.
First come first serve.
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