Originally Posted by T_Dilley
Does anyone know what year/model a NP205 Case with only 4 Lo - Neutral - 4 Hi Came in? And its approximate worth with new seals/gaskets throughout. 
they came in all kinds of stuff like ,chevys ,fords,dodges,internationals, there is several differant configurations of the 205
all np 205s had 4 stock shift positions, 2wd Hi, 4wd Hi, Neutral, and 4wd Lo.
sum had slip yoke rear outputs sum dont the ones without the slipyokes are more popular and worth more
look around on it for the id tag it will tell you what it is ,The ID tag is found above the front driveshaft output(or sumwhere there about) , and will list model, manufacture date and gear ratio
NP205 cases had several different configurations with Ford and Dodge using both married and divorced models and GM using many different input spline types and 2 different bolt patterns.
as far as prices they go from free to $1000 bucks for a fully rebuilt one (fully rebuilt means new gears,sliders ,shifting forks, and barrings and seals and gaskets )