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Old 10-12-2005, 10:02 AM   #15
More Cowbell....
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Originally Posted by gonebad2
I was surprised when you said you powdercoat shorty headers. A friend of mine owned a huge powder coating company and told me that headers can't be done because they get too hot under normal use. Says the coating would burn off. Is there a new formula I haven't heard about?

The large commercial ovens that use natural gas have a sealed combustion chamber and those are big bucks.
Eastwood shows like 4 powders that will stand up to 1000 degrees. I am gonna give those a try on my current headers.
And for the oven, a local guy suggested I try and find an oven like is used in a pizza place. Either the one with the long door on the front and a stone bottom, or the one with the metal conveyer (sp) belt. Just coat and let it ride its way through!! (I know we would have to adjust the speed slow enough for it to be a 15 minute ride). It might be worth the effort to check it out!
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