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Old 04-19-2002, 06:19 PM   #11
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no, this is MY truck so I do much of the work. it is sort of a trade off. he is better at welding and I am better at body work. there was plenty of each!! we both paint about the same so it is pretty even. Dad and I work together on most of the projects that we do. we're nearly inseprable, if one of us is working there are not many times that the other is not right there beside. that's ok cause the 55 chevy will be the next project and he owns that. it's a fair trade.

oh ya, and he took his pictures earlier with the other camera. I just took them to post on the board. lol

1969 C-10 292 I-6 4 spd in the middle of a restoration. going to get a 327 and 3.07 gears but keeping all of the original parts so I can put it back to original later on down the road.
55 chevy 4 door 150
47 Willys CJ-2A

[This message has been edited by texnician01 (edited April 19, 2002).]
69 C-10, 340HP 327
55 chevy 4 door 150
47 Willys CJ-2A
05 Harley Night Train
06 1200 Sportster (Wife's bike)
70 Honda CL350

OIF2 & OIF7 Veteran

Nathan & Tiffany
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