Thread: carpet question
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Old 10-12-2005, 09:30 PM   #6
purple gas
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I think the " little balls" that the pedal clips on to are actually bolts that screw into the floor. ( correct me if I'm wrong ) . I used to install flooring and have also done a bit of interior work on cars. Using that heat melt tape on such a small repair will be a nightmare I'd think. If you can screw out the mounting balls and pull some of the carpet back, I would 1) get a piece of canvas or even a scrap of old denim. 2) contact cement the patch material on to the BACK side of the carpet where the cut is. carefully that is.. 3) lay the carpet back down and make tiny holes where the ball things screw into the floor and re-install the ball things .. 4) put your pedal back in position. Be careful making holes in the carpet use an awl or small screw driver to find your spot & don't use a drill or any power tool. If you caught some of the carpet fibre it can pull out lines in your carpet like a zipper. Hope this makes sense & helps.
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