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Old 10-17-2005, 06:54 AM   #23
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Re: Mirrors for one piece windows?

Originally Posted by SCOTI
For a hundered bucks, order a set.... try them w/o destroying the packaging & if they don't work return them. Better yet, find a local source that stocks these particular brands & see if they'll let you test fit them. You're not actually going to install them, just rest them up against the truck window plate so it's not likely that you'll damage them.

Or.... they're only $100. Order them & if they don't work, put them up for sale on the 88-98 parts board.
Thanks, that's a good idea. Just hoping someone on the board had done this and could share the experience. I think that some modification is required or they would market them for 67-72 trucks.
69 GMC 3/4 ton LWB
383 TH400 Dana 60
'84 300ZX
'79 Nova (for sale)
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