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Old 10-17-2005, 10:02 AM   #1
Vintage Evil
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Hastings, Nebraska
Posts: 956
Don't you hate people that lie????

Sorry but i have to vent. I am so pissed. Ok here is the story. I have been talking to this guy(not a member) in Kansas for 3 months about a sandblasted cab that has some rust in the floor, rockers, and cab corners. He seems to be very honest. He send about 20 pics of the thing. Looks good. So i rent a trailer ($50) then drive down there to see the absolutely most rusty cab i have ever seen in my life. I didn't notice at first then we load it on the trailer and i start to look and yes the rockers and cab corners are trash as well as some spots on the floor. Then i start to look closer and the headliner? between where the sunvisors bolt on is totally rusted through and then below that where the bead for windshield is almost totally gone too. I point this out and the guy has the nerve to first tell me i could fill it with bondo then says he has never even seen those spots before. Then said well he still wanted $400 for it because that is what he had in the blasting. I told him if you pay $400 to blast a Piece of s, It is still a piece of s. This was supposeidly his "project". I don't know about you but I think I know every dent and ding on mine much less missing a 5 ft long rust hole times 2.
So in conclusion I Spent $150 in gas and $50 on a trailer and wasted almost my whole day sunday for nothing.
And yes i told him where he could shove that cab.
Thanks for letting me vent.
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