Thread: 6x9's in doors?
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Old 10-20-2005, 05:38 PM   #1
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6x9's in doors?

This seems to be a pretty popular thing for people to do to old pickups of any year, brand, etc. I think this will be the route I take when I do my 72 as well, and I was just wondering how it sounds, and if you run speakers anywhere else. Pictures would be very helpful and what brand/model of speakers you are using. I figure if I go this route, I can amp the 6x9's and have good mids and highs, plus decent bass. I will sound deaden the doors good, so vibration shouldn't be a problem. Wires will be run through those stainless streetrod looms. All I need to know is how far forward I cut the hole, what I use to cut it, what kind of speakers do people use and how it sounds. Can anyone help me out? Thanks!
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