Thread: 6x9's in doors?
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Old 10-20-2005, 08:41 PM   #8
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Re: 6x9's in doors?

jhwkns, that is the type of picture I am looking for. I hated the idea of cutting my doors... At first. I've owned my truck for a year now, and I have finally realized that realized that it's just not worth it to me to keep it original. Putting the radio in the glovebox is inconvenient, speakers in the kick panels won't last long in a truck that gets used for work, and I don't think I've ever heard of anyone being satisfied with dual 4" in the factory dash location. The real funny part about me cutting the doors is that they will be brand new . The corners have rusted off my old ones, and they have had so many different sets of mirrors on them that the skins look like swiss cheese. I figure if I'm going to build my daily driver from the ground up, I might as well make it comfortable. As for the water issue, anytime I put speakers in a door, I always invest the extra ten bucks in those foam or plastic covers. It's cheap insurance. I can always save the pieces and weld them back in at a later date if I ever decided to restore it. Anyone have any more info or pics?

Last edited by muddpile; 10-20-2005 at 08:44 PM.
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