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Old 10-21-2005, 03:06 AM   #1
short sell Ford stock
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Houston, Texas
Posts: 104
Sandblasting then powdercoating the frame, How important is it

I am swapping the frame on my LWB to a SWB frame and i am probably going to buy one from a member when i am ready in a few months... i was wondering how important it is to sandblast and powdercoat the frame. I am asking now ahead of time so i can find a legitimate person to do it for me at a reasonable price, but a good job at the same time. I know if i didn't do it and i found out that i should have, there is probably a very slim chance i will want to take the whole truck off the frame for another time to do something i should have done in the first palce. Any insight? Thanks.
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