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Old 10-22-2005, 05:19 AM   #62
4 eyed fever
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Eureka, Nevada
Posts: 500
Re: What the hell happened?

Something to note about proper fitment of your respirator:
When checking fit, remove filters and lightly seal filter holes with the palms of your hands. If you push too hard it may give you a false seal. With the filter holes plugged you should not be able to draw ANY air in. You should move your head up and down and side to side to make sure the respirator maintains a seal. There are several diff sizes and styles to fit diff shape faces. Get one that fits you. Also when putting your resp. on, give a sharp exhale to clear the exhilation ports. Don't wear your resp. too lose or not only will it be ineffective, but it traps gasses. Examine the exh. ports regularly and replace mask when any damage or wear is seen. Replace cartridges often. They are cheap insurance against long term health problems! Keep facial hair trimmed to maintain a good seal. There are different filters/cartridges for diff. chemicals and particulates. Be sure you use the right filter for the job you're doing.
If you're not using bottled air on a supplied air system, rig a filter element over the air intake hose, in addition to having the unit outside your shop area.
1971 GMC 2500 4x4
1972 GMC Sierra Grande 1/2 t 4x4-#1 son's truck. Recently completed resto.

4 YO daughter," Daddy, I like your truck better than Mom's." (2000 F350-ranch truck) Smart kid!!

Last edited by al's71gmc; 10-22-2005 at 05:25 AM.
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