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Old 10-23-2005, 10:34 PM   #6
Still drivin' a Rat Rod
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Re: Dont use a droplight when working on a fuel tank!!

I have thought of this,and I do a lot of fuel pumps replacements too

I had a guy swap his fuel pump in his S10 a few days ago.I went to town,and came back to find him sitting there beside an open tank,with the sending unit in his hand,removing the fuel pump.WITH A CIGARETTE IN HIS MOUTH!

I took that thing away from him,and put the pump together,back in the tank,and told him to go smoke,and then come over and finish up.I mean I was nice enough to loan him the tools,and place to work,he couild have used some sense
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Last edited by Brainchild; 10-23-2005 at 10:35 PM.
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