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Old 10-24-2005, 02:26 AM   #3
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Re: Black '69 factory buckets & console worth???

I saw a blue set of '72 truck buckets and console sell for $800 on eBay about a year ago. The upholstery was in about the same condition as yours.

I bought a pair of totally trashed bucket seats out of a '71 Blazer that I plan to put in my truck. This is what it's going to end up costing me by the time I'm done:

Trashed seats with good frames from a wrecking yard = $40
Truck driver side mounting tracks from Ebay = $50
Black console from a wrecking yard = $40
Replacement foam for two seats = $400
Replacement vinyl upholstery = $230
Reproduction truck passenger seat brackets = $115

You add it all up and it comes out to $875 plus a lot of time tracking it all down. Your seats need new upholstery, so subtract the cost of the upholstery from $875 and it comes to $645. Convenience has value though, and buying the entire set from one place is definitely more convenient.

Last edited by pjmoreland; 10-24-2005 at 02:38 AM.
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