Re: Need help with Braking problem
I have had many a Blazer with the same problem (symtoms) I have been told it is the booster. Some places sell that smaller compact booster that is supposed to solve the problem. And the booster can be leaking and sort of work, so I'd look into a new booster mastercylinder combo (cheaper together than apart) and make sure to bench bleed as the stroke on the peddle is not long enough to get all of the air out. It takes two tubes from the brake line fittings and they loop into the resevoir. Push the piston in with a screwdriver or long rod (untill it stops moving and then let it out) after a couple of strokes you should notice no air bubbles, and then it is ready to go on the vehicle for bleeding the way you described above. my .02 cents, and it has worked for me. I can put myself through the windshield with 35"'s.