Originally Posted by Longhorn Man
vet...that'd be sweet. it would give a way to verify the chart above...which looks pretty cool too.
thanks guys
Here's what I got on a 68 gmc and a 70 chevy panel.
ammeter-less than 1 ohm I didn't check it with my digital meter
fuel gauge--32ohms post to post on both
left to ground 65 ohms right to ground 63 ohms
temp guage--42 ohms post to post on both panels
temp resister 55 ohms
I first measured with my analog meter then I used my digital cause I'm anal like that.I like to double check.
fuel gauge was 37ohms and the temp gage measured 48.7ohms and there was about a 10ohm difference in that the 70 panel was higher on both gauges. That could easily be age or conductivityon the terminals.
I see that is pretty close to the chart readings.
I applied 12 volts to the terminals on the temp gauge and it went to less than zero
the fuel gauge went to full plus so I guess they work. I couldn't find a potentiometer that was in the 90 ohm range so I could check the fuel gauge but I figure it will work.